Revolution | Solid Rock

Revolution | Solid Rock

Update on Year-End Giving

Happy 2024! The year is off to a great start as the clinic is currently hosting its second North American surgical team at the new location. May we continue to lift up in prayer the clinic staff and those it serves as we move forward into this new season.

As we wrapped up the previous year, it was requested that giving be directed to the technological needs of the clinic. Funds donated went to help cover the expenses of a more modern, computer-based management system to help provide the utmost level of patient care. We are pleased to share that $185,000 was given towards our $200,000 goal! Thank you to all who generously contributed to this important need.

Moving forward, we still anticipate a need in the area of diagnostic equipment, but details are still being worked out. SRI will continue to maintain close contact with clinic staff to stay informed regarding needs, and will then communicate those needs to supporters. We are grateful for all who have remained dedicated to the success of this transition and to the future of the clinic.

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