Revolution | Solid Rock

Revolution | Solid Rock

Thank You, Frank!

“My wife, Juanita and I have been involved with SRI for many years and in many roles including: as administrator in the CCSI (Christian Clinic), working in the guesthouse, and serving on the SRI Board. My family returned to our beloved country to help with the transformation of CCSI to continue serving the poor as the REVOLUTION Financial Manager. It has been a great blessing and opportunity that God has given to us through SRI to be an instrument of His grace and to establish His kingdom in the DR.” -Frank Beltre, REVOLUTION Financial Manager.


We are so very blessed to have Frank serve with SRI in this capacity. His many years of experience with the clinic as Business Manager and knowledge of both American and Dominican cultures are of huge benefit to the project. Additionally, he has served several years on the SRI Board as Treasurer and a part of the Finance Committee. Frank’s history and skills allow for SRI to save money in many ways as we continue to work hard stewarding the funds so generously given.

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