Revolution | Solid Rock

Revolution | Solid Rock

Fall-ing Forward

Ah, it’s great to be back! We are three teams into the fall season, and we are getting back in the swing of things. The first two teams had one-man construction crews. Manny from Philly came along with the team from Maple Grove, and Jim joined the Harding team. While we are used to teams of 5-15, we made it work (we made THEM work as well!). Manny and Randy were a great team that took down some forms that had been sitting on the wall from previous teams. Then they took to the wood shop and made two more beautiful picnic tables that will be put outside at the guesthouse as soon as they are weather treated.

Jim was also on carpenter duty as he and Randy made 12, that’s right, 12 nightstands to go in rooms that were lacking. You can thank Jim for now having a place to set your glasses, lamps, electronic devices, etc., as you sleep soundly.

The last week to volunteer their time in San Juan was a team of 8 from Northwoods Community Church. As Northwoods has multiple campuses, the was actually compiled of members from all over Central Illinois. However, they worked like a well-oiled machine making and putting up forms for the top beam of the wall. When they started, the top beam was about %50 completed. By the end of the week they had poured almost the entire remainder of the west wall. I told this group that I don’t make expectations on what the groups will complete throughout the week. If I had, they would have no-doubt exceeded them. We purchased a weed-eater and Reece went to town “mowing” paths for the workers and my truck. A couple of them even had time to help Nicole out in the pharmacy and around the clinic. A great group of servant hearts!

On clinic news, rebar is getting laid out for the concrete platform! It’s hot, tedious work but the Dominican crew is working hard to make the foundation as secure as possible.

November is a busy upcoming month for us at Solid Rock, so check back in for more updates!

P.S. Sorry there’s no pics on this month’s blog. I had some good ones but could not insert them into the blog for some reason. Will try again next time!


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