May 29, 2014
Dear REVOLUTION Supporters,
Greetings from the Dominican Republic! Joe and I (Shannon) have had the privilege of spending the past ten days in the DR with our SRI family here. We’ve had many exciting meetings with our Dominican partners, including a time together last night with our nonprofit partner organization, The Christian Association for the Promotion of Integrated Health (known by the Spanish acronym, “ACPSI”). This meeting focused on continued REVOLUTION planning and was very encouraging for all.

Momentum continues to build both in the United States and Dominican Republic as we all eagerly anticipate the start of the new clinic project! Joe and I enjoyed a moment passing by the land where SRI’s most recent container now sits to be used as a storeroom once construction begins.
We are pleased to update you with the current totals for the REVOLUTION campaign as of 5/31/2014:
With just $80,786 needed to break ground, please keep SRI in your prayers as we continue to move forward with the planning and preparations for the project.
If you have not yet done so and would like to support the REVOLUTION, please either call the office at (419) 956-4077, send a check to Solid Rock International, PO Box 20867 Indianapolis, IN 46220, or click here! We appreciate your support!