Revolution | Solid Rock

Revolution | Solid Rock

Road Trip Recap

Greetings, Revolutionaries!

Wow!  It’s been a busy two weeks!  Joe and I have had the opportunity to visit with SRI supporters from around the country throughout the states of Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.  At each stop we were able to spend time with Board members, past team members, and other individuals interested in getting involved with Solid Rock.  We shared the vision and plans for the REVOLUTION in hopes that others share in our excitement and passion for this project.  The overall response seems to be very receptive and positive, so we will continue praying that the Lord blesses this project.  Stay tuned for more updates on the fundraising as well as our next road trip in a few months!

Thank you to all who hosted us, attended our presentations, and support Solid Rock and its ministries!  We couldn’t do this without you and thank God for all of you!

Shannon Zimmerman
Director of Development

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