Over the past few months excitement has continued to build around the REVOLUTION Campaign and plans for a new clinic in San Juan de la Maguana! Word is spreading across North America as well as the Dominican Republic that a REVOLUTION is coming!
In San Juan, local churches are ready to join in and assist with the construction and have begun praying for the project as a whole. Recently, Clinic Director, Dr. Osvaldo Canario, was interviewed on a local TV station to share about the new clinic plans. He in turn received hundreds of calls in response to his interview of interested community members requesting more information on the project! The Guesthouse Staff continues to do an incredible job sharing the vision of the new clinic with SRI teams that visit each week. Team Coordinator, Bienvenida Suero, and clinic surgeon, Dr. Caceres have also been participating in several presentations being made to the teams. Staff members also have been taking frequent visits to the beautiful land on which the new clinic will be built to dream and pray for what’s in store.

In the States, the SRI Staff and Board Members have been carefully planning and meeting together to discuss and pray over each and every detail of the REVOLUTION Campaign. All Staff and Board Members are unanimously excited and have committed to pray for this revolutionary new undertaking. We are looking forward to seeing how the Lord will bless this project and use it to bless his people in the town of San Juan de la Maguana and BEYOND.
We at SRI are choosing to believe these words of truth. We choose to not be frightened by the size of the task, but trust that God will see us through. We believe that as with any great project or vision, if your vision doesn’t scare you, then God probably isn’t in it. With great faith, we are moving forward with the REVOLUTION and hope everyone will join in with prayer and excitement!
Beginning Wednesday, April 3, Executive Director, Joe Zimmerman, and Director of Development, Shannon Zimmerman, will travel to visit with SRI supporters at some of SRI’s major supporting churches across the United States. This trip will consist of visits to Peoria, Illinois; Gainesville, Georgia; Concord, North Carolina; Hickory, North Carolina; Mineral Springs, North Carolina; Wilmington, North Carolina; Roanoke, Virginia; and Nashville, Tennessee. This will be the first of several visits to these areas to share the vision of the REVOLUTION with SRI supporters and encourage others to support this project with giving of finances, prayers, and time of serving in the Dominican Republic.
We’re excited to get this show on the road and ask that you keep SRI in your prayers in the following ways:
- Community excitement and involvement in San Juan
- Strong response and involvement from SRI supporters in North American and around the world
- Protection over the project and all involved (Ephesians 6:12)
- Safety during travel for Staff
Thanks for checking in! For general information and donation options for this project, please visit the REVOLUTION main page!