So, the rainy season has started in the San Juan valley! The farmers are ecstatic, but everyone else is a little on edge as the rain is pouring down on almost a daily basis. We’ve had some close calls here at the guesthouse, and one minor flooding. We had water enter the kitchen and guestrooms up to about one foot. Other than that, we are OKAY! It got me thinking of how crazy it must have been in 1998 when Hurricane George put water and mud SIX FEET up the walls of the guesthouse and clinic. I shouldn’t be complaining, right?!? I’m thankful that we haven’t experienced another disaster, and that we are building a clinic in a safe region where we won’t have to worry about flooding.
This month two groups have worked out on the field of mud site of the new clinic. The combined Rhodes/Gray group did some work on the southern wall, prepping it for future teams. The night after they left, huge gusts of wind (along with that rain…) tore up sections of the northern metal fence. Not to be deterred, the next group, a group of college students from Southern Utah University, replaced posts and metal sheeting to repair the damage.

This week there’s a group of nursing students from Ohio Northern University working on the Southern perimeter wall. They hope to lay 2 sections of block. We are gearing up for a busy summer, so stay tuned!
As always, to stay up to date on the clinic progress, check out Ken’s blog, which was just updated earlier this month.