As mentioned in last month’s post, teams have begun the southern perimeter wall. The last four teams have been pushing FLYING through the cement and block work. The month started off with a combined team from Illinois and Indiana (Faith in Action). They began working on the first section of footer for the southern wall. The team also completed a large temporary metal fence for the northern property line to provide a barrier for those who may be a little too curious about the construction site (pictured below). Another project they finished was putting a metal roof over the shipping container to deflect rain water that was running onto the picnic tables below (this made the night guards very happy, as this was there only dry area during a rainstorm).
Pine Hills Church and a team from Bryan, Ohio picked up where Faith in Action left off and continued more work on the footer of the southern wall. This team along with the first week of Spartanburg laid a HUGE stretch of footer that allowed the second week of Spartanburg to luy a TON of block (almost 1,000…mas o menos).
The work’s really “turning the corner”…
As teams are cruising through the south wall we are anticipating finishing and turning north again perhaps as early as fall of 2016!
Lift, level, mud, repeat…..
Be sure to stay updated on the clinic progress here by reading Ken Potter’s updates. The building is really starting to take shape! Also all things SRI can be found on our website, including how to get involved in the REVOLUTION campaign. Until next time…
Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference has never tried to fall asleep with a mosquito in the room- Christine Todd Whitman