Revolution | Solid Rock

Revolution | Solid Rock

Fundraising Update

What a month! We have exciting news to share regarding those who participated in Race for a REVOLUTION as well as the newest REVOLUTION Campaign fund numbers. Thanks for staying informed about the new clinic project and for your prayers, donations, and involvement!

Race for a REVOLUTION!

Spring was a fun season for SRI supporters who participated in the Race for a REVOLUTION fundraiser. Individuals from across the country signed up for various races and raised money to support the new clinic project in San Juan. As of June 30, 2014, we have received a total of $9,406.90 from the Race for a REVOLUTION runners, walkers, bikers, and swimmers! Racers came from Elizabeth City, Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, Peoria, and White Lake. Here are a few pictures of some of the participants:

Eben Wilson

Racer who rode from Melbourne, FL to his home in Elizabeth City, NC!

Grand Rapids1

Racers in Grand Rapids, MI

Grand Rapids4

Racer in Grand Rapids, MI

Grand Rapids2

Racers in Grand Rapids, MI


Racers in Indianapolis, IN


Racer in Peoria, IL

White Lake Team1

Racers in White Lake, MI

There is still time to participate! If you’re interested in making those miles meaningful, visit the Race for a REVOLUTION page to learn more, or email


The REVOLUTION Campaign to construct a new medical facility in San Juan de la Maguana continues to move full speed ahead! Plans are coming together with the goal of breaking ground this fall, once we hit our $2 million goal. As of June 30, 2014 we are just $45,464 short of that goal!

6-30-14 REV graphsWe appreciate all who have supported the project so far! We are thankful for your prayers, your contributions, and for spreading the word to others! For those who have not yet given a one-time donation or pledge, we are currently seeking five-year pledges as low as $10/month to help us reach our goal to break ground. Keep in mind that due to the healthy state of the SRI General Fund, 100% of all donations to the REVOLUTION Campaign go directly to the project itself with absolutely no administrative fees. To start your pledge today, you can give online, over the phone (419-956-4077), or by sending a check in the mail to Solid Rock International, PO Box 20867 Indianapolis, IN 46220. Thank you again for your continued support!


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