I’m just gonna go ahead and say it….WEST.WALL.DONE. Two teams in the past month put the finishing touches on the wall, and I’m happy to report that starting January 2016 all eyes look to the southern property line of the land. Crossroads church from Napoleon, Ohio laid the last sections of block and poured all but one of the columns. A team of students from Ohio Northern University poured the final column and earned the bragging rights of “official western wall finishers.”

Other big news to report, if you haven’t already heard….CONCRETE.SLAB.DONE. That’s right, the massive pour for the foundation slab of the new clinic was poured this past week. Photos of that process can be found here, along with Ken Potter’s blog updates documenting the entire concrete saga.
All I can say is God is faithful. In this Thanksgiving/Christmas season we have seen over and over the many ways in which He has provided for this organization. If you would like to be a part of this grand adventure (or just need awesome Christmas ideas) I encourage you to check out our 2015 Gift Catalog. Many of the items needed to complete the construction of and outfit the clinic are available for purchase at a fraction of the cost.
Here’s to an amazing 2015, and looking forward to a bigger and better 2016! Merry Christmas to all!