Revolution | Solid Rock

Revolution | Solid Rock

Equipment Updates

Outfitting and equipping a 56 bed medical facility continues to be an enormous undertaking. Thankfully, SRI has partnered with MedShare, a 501c(3) humanitarian aid organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of people, communities, and our planet by sourcing and directly delivering surplus medical supplies and equipment to communities in need around the world. SRI staff and volunteers have spent a great amount of time in communication with MedShare to plan, organize, and properly prepare for all that is needed for the REVOLUTION Project. Most recently, SRI volunteer Cora Hunse spent five weeks in San Juan de la Maguana on special assignment relating to equipment needs and SRI’s relationship with MedShare.

Cora onsite with Dr. Odette Canario and Dr. Osvaldo Canario

During her time in San Juan, Cora reports having over 30 meetings regarding outfitting the facility as well as countless visits to the project site to measure for stretcher widths, beds, and even discovered some slight design changes needed such as the placement of electrical outlets in the flash autoclave room. Meetings involved SRI volunteers Terry Wellman and Nancy Gray, SRI Medical Coordinator Nicole Hoover, as well as Dominican partners Dr. Odette Canario, Dr. Osvaldo Canario, clinic surgeon Dr. Caceres, clinic nurse Livida de la Cruz, and REVOLUTION Financial Manager Frank Beltre. Area-specific input was also received from other SRI volunteers such as Dr. David Johnson regarding radiology and Cathy Case, regrading the ICU area. MedShare’s Director of Biomedical Engineering, Eben Armstrong, remains heavily involved in such meetings as SRI’s main MedShare contact regarding this project.

Cora reports that one of her first jobs during this trip was to translate the 24 page equipment list document from English to Spanish so that our Dominican partners could read it. The accompanying document containing photos is 169 pages long! Countless hours have been poured into the equipment preparation needs and we are grateful for the continued efforts of all involved.

I am so grateful to all the supporters and team members for their expertise. I reached out to many people during this process. Their help was invaluable since my expertise is only in Obstetrics and Primary Care. We are a team with many gifts as it states both in Romans 12 verses 4 -5 and 1 Corinthians 12. Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body, and we all belong to each other. We are working together to bring glory to God. I am thankful to be a small part of this amazing team that is Solid Rock International.

-Cora Hunse

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